Teddy's Top Training Tip and Bonus Biscuit 28/09/17

Teddy’s Top Training Tip: Do not let your dog off lead near dogs that are on lead.

Do not let your dog off lead near dogs that are on lead.

Going to the park to allow your dog off lead or visiting areas where dogs can run around off lead in open spaces can be fun for the dog and the owner. However, as dog owners we need to be responsible for our dog’s actions and a little care and attention when and where we let them off can make the difference to all dogs, owners, joggers, cyclists, people using the area and children.

A little dog etiquette should be conducted with all walks by all dog owners. Whatever the space it is important to look at the safety aspect of letting your dog off.

Scenario 1:

Owner arrives at a country park and parks their car. Opens the door to let the dog out so that it can run into the park while they change their footwear and grab the phone and lock the car. There are of course other people entering the park with their children, dogs are leaving the park with their owners and joggers/cyclists are just starting their park activity. The dog is running up to other dogs, running across the cyclists, and generally causing a distraction to other park users. The owner enters the park and is questioned by other parks uses if this dog belongs to them – the answer yes and he/she is friendly, it’s a park, it’s what dogs do.

Scenario 2:

Owner is walking their dog on lead along the beach front and meets up with another owner whose dog is off lead and running around mixing with on and off lead dogs. Owner who has dog on lead asks if its ok to let their dog off as its friendly, however has difficulty in recalling their dog. Off lead dog owner suggests they let their dog off. The owner lets the dog off in a busy area where other dog walkers are walking their dogs on lead. The two dogs run around and through on lead dogs, causing dogs to start barking, one dog is nearly bowled over by the two dogs and the owner stand and watch their dogs running around.
There could be many more scenarios to add to the above and both these scenarios do not give the dog owning public a good name. It’s wrong just to let your dog off without the consideration of others or to look and see what is going on around you. So here are some points to consider before you let your dog off:
Make sure that you have changed your shoes/boots, grabbed your phone, put your dog’s lead to safely get your dog out of the car and walk your dog to an area of the park to let him/her off.

When you stop to talk to other dog walkers and decide to let your dog off lead to play – move out of the way of other dogs on lead.

If your dog is off lead, make sure that you can still see your dog and know what he or she is doing, and make sure that you have good recall so that you can call your dog back if you see a group of dog walkers with dogs on lead, or families with children or a dog walk with their dog on lead, cyclists, horse and riders, and so on.

If you do have your dog on lead, do not allow him or her to pull towards another dog “to say hello” – it is not good manners and unsociable.

Let’s have a safe and enjoyable walk – always!

1 thought on “Teddy's Top Training Tip and Bonus Biscuit 28/09/17”

  1. This is such great advise. So so many untrained owners that think there dogs OK off lead and they can recall, and they can’t.
    Had it myself over my local grass, was training TJ and owner had dog off lead. So was TJ. He was sitting and waiting while I was training. Other owner called out is he OK. I said yes friendly and she let her dog off, had no idea of recalling. Was over and a bit to ruff to TJ that she see, and I had to and use se TJs treats to make dog sit and wait until she got it back OK lead. Every time she try her dog run from her. While TJ was down waiting too, good boy and we been training with Jackie. I did give her you name and no. Hope she call you. So needed training

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