Pet Psychology

How to take care of your dog during the coronavirus pandemic.

With the current climate of worry and anxiety attached to the Covid-19 crises and the events and situations changing daily due to this pandemic, self-isolation creates an extra set of concerns and problems for dog owners to overcome. It’s essential during this time that dogs don’t get bored (and we thought keeping ourselves entertained was […]

How to take care of your dog during the coronavirus pandemic. Read More »

How sound preparation CDs can ease your pet’s stress

However calm and well-adjusted a pet is, there are some situations that most cats and dogs find stressful. Sound Preparation CDs may be the way forward.  Fireworks night sends thousands of pets running for cover every year. While other animals find small children, crowds and loud noises terrifying. Though owners can comfort and calm their

How sound preparation CDs can ease your pet’s stress Read More »

Dog behaviour in the park – “Don’t worry (S)he’s friendly”

Taking your dog out for a walk in one of the many country parks we have around the country should be an enjoyable event, where the space can be enjoyed not only by dogs and owners, but families, joggers, cyclists and walkers. However, on entering the park, we observe a very different culture. Dogs are

Dog behaviour in the park – “Don’t worry (S)he’s friendly” Read More »